Wild Rice and Corn Stuffed Peppers

While I was dutifully going through the cupboards looking for things to use up, I came across many bags of wild rice. A few minutes with Google later, and I found this wonderful recipe from Redacted Recipes.

Stuffed Peppers

As is usual my first time around with a recipe, I didn’t change very much. I decided to use only green peppers, because I was afraid that the sweetness of a red or yellow pepper would clash a bit with the stuffing. (That seemed to be a good choice.) I also used only wild rice, instead of the wild and brown rice mix that Ann used. Hey, I had all this wild rice to use up! Finally, instead of dried basil I used a cube of frozen basil.

Boy howdy, we’re doing this again. And one of the best parts of the recipe is that it worked out perfectly. I have this problem, you see, whenever I cook something “stuffed.” Stuffed zucchini, stuffed pork chops, stuffed eggplant, stuffed mushrooms… No matter what it is, I always end up with more stuffing than I have volume to stuff.

But this recipe came out exactly even. Just as I was scraping the last little bit of stuffing out of the bowl, the fourth pepper was filled right to the brim. I know that it had as much to do with how big my peppers were as it did with the recipe, but it sure made my day.

Stuffed Pepper

This recipe ended up in the “do again!” folder. I’m looking forward to trying this with fresh local peppers from the farmers’ market. Only two months away…


Filed under Cooking for Two, Interesting Link, Recipe, Vegetarian

3 responses to “Wild Rice and Corn Stuffed Peppers

  1. This is a great set of ingredients for stuffed peppers. I’m not a vegetarian but this still looks great to me!

  2. Beautiful picture! They sound amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Those look great! I’ve been loading up on peppers lately (Red, orange, and yellow at least) because the prices are starting to drop. I was just trying to think of a good stuffed pepper recipe, so I might just have try these!.